Adolf Hitler - Born Loser



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New Works


Adolf Hitler

Manufacturer: Parks Plastics

Re-issued by Ram Hobbies 

Material:  Styrene Plastic

Scale: 1/10


Adolf is part of the “Born Losers” series of kits put out by Parks Plastics in the ‘60s. I stumbled across these when Ram Hobbies re-issued them in the early ‘90s. As I recall I found their ad in an old issue of Model and Toy collector. They reminded me of the silly figure kits when I was a kid so I ordered the set.


I have no idea who sculpted these kits but they did a nice job. Adolf is on the mark yet satirical enough to keep it humorous - very much like a Nutty Mad figure. The rest of the piece is packed with all kinds of little odds and ends that are on some level poking fun at Der Fuhrer.


The kit is a typical styrene injected kit – lotsa parts. It’s shot in an opaque, white plastic which I found to be troublesome when I was trying to locate seams that needed attention. They really don’t show up until you hit it with a coat of primer. There not any really terrible fit problems. The overall seam work was about par for the course on this kind of kit. It was an easy build and comes in just above 8” when completed.


I painted the entire kit in acrylics. Most of the figure was airbrushed with the details being hand brushed. The base was almost entirely hand brushed. With all the stuff there is on this kit, there was plenty of painting to be done. As with humor kits, I feel like you can pretty much paint them anyway you want. Let’s face it, they’re made for fun, not for accuracy. I did some quick check on AH’s uniform color but other than that, I just did what I wanted.


Check out KitBuilders Magazine #58 for a great article on this series of kits.






For additional information, please e-mail me.  Copyright © David E. Bennett    All Rights Reserved